2/28/1997 @ The Cuban EmbassyFri • February 28, 1997February 28, 1997atThe Cuban EmbassyThe Cuban EmbassyIn/Humanity,In/Humanity,Palatka,Palatka,Section 8,Section 8,PungPungEvent: 9PM$2-3 Gas Donation
10/19/1996 @ The Cuban EmbassySat • October 19, 1996October 19, 1996atThe Cuban EmbassyThe Cuban EmbassyAssholeparade,Assholeparade,The End of the Century Party,The End of the Century Party,CavityCavity
2/21/1996 @ The Cuban EmbassyWed • February 21, 1996February 21, 1996atThe Cuban EmbassyThe Cuban EmbassyAssholeparade,Assholeparade,No Comply,No Comply,Dinnerparty1933,Dinnerparty1933,Pittboss,Pittboss,NecrolustNecrolust