9/2/2007 @ Common GroundsSun • September 2, 2007September 2, 2007MOE Fest• MOE Fest 2007atCommon GroundsCommon GroundsPatrick Koch,Patrick Koch,Lars DinLars Din
9/2/2007 @ Durty Nelly'sSun • September 2, 2007September 2, 2007MOE Fest• MOE Fest 2007atDurty Nelly'sDurty Nelly'sRoot DoctorsRoot Doctors
9/1/2007 @ The Side BarSat • September 1, 2007September 1, 2007MOE Fest• MOE Fest 2007atThe Side BarThe Side BarBlacksnake,Blacksnake,Frozen Cobra,Frozen Cobra,Freightline,Freightline,Wooden RoosterWooden Rooster
9/1/2007 @ The AtlanticSat • September 1, 2007September 1, 2007MOE Fest• MOE Fest 2007atThe AtlanticThe AtlanticTowers of Hanoi,Towers of Hanoi,Ninja Gun,Ninja Gun,Sir Prize Fighter,Sir Prize Fighter,Creepy Youth ChoirCreepy Youth Choir
Sat • September 1, 2007September 1, 2007MOE Fest• MOE Fest 2007at19821982IndigoVox,IndigoVox,Summerbirds in the Cellar,Summerbirds in the Cellar,March to May,March to May,The Ups,The Ups,The DonderThe Donder
9/1/2007 @ Tim and Terry'sSat • September 1, 2007September 1, 2007MOE Fest• MOE Fest 2007atTim and Terry'sTim and Terry'sThe Patrick McDuffy AllStars,The Patrick McDuffy AllStars,Hoyt and the Hotheads,Hoyt and the Hotheads,Along the SidelinesAlong the Sidelines
9/1/2007 @ Common GroundsSat • September 1, 2007September 1, 2007MOE Fest• MOE Fest 2007atCommon GroundsCommon GroundsFunks Inc.,Funks Inc.,Semi Soul,Semi Soul,Africa 2000Africa 2000
8/31/2007 @ The Side BarFri • August 31, 2007August 31, 2007MOE Fest• MOE Fest 2007atThe Side BarThe Side BarMorningbell,Morningbell,Inuit Jargon,Inuit Jargon,Lauris Vidal,Lauris Vidal,Bang Bang BoomBang Bang Boom
8/31/2007 @ Tim and Terry'sFri • August 31, 2007August 31, 2007MOE Fest• MOE Fest 2007atTim and Terry'sTim and Terry'sWeather Machine,Weather Machine,Dirty HammockDirty Hammock
Fri • August 31, 2007August 31, 2007MOE Fest• MOE Fest 2007at19821982Oriflamme,Oriflamme,Mama Trish,Mama Trish,Edan ArcherEdan Archer
8/30/2007 @ Common GroundsThu • August 30, 2007August 30, 2007MOE Fest• MOE Fest 2007atCommon GroundsCommon GroundsTwo Finger Suicide,Two Finger Suicide,Team Mascot,Team Mascot,No More,No More,Ceasar & GodseekerCeasar & Godseeker
8/30/2007 @ 1982Thu • August 30, 2007August 30, 2007MOE Fest• MOE Fest 2007at19821982Officer Flossie,Officer Flossie,Weszt,Weszt,Empty FifthEmpty Fifth
8/30/2007 @ Tim and Terry'sThu • August 30, 2007August 30, 2007MOE Fest• MOE Fest 2007atTim and Terry'sTim and Terry's
8/29/2007 @ Common GroundsWed • August 29, 2007August 29, 2007MOE Fest• MOE Fest 2007atCommon GroundsCommon GroundsCutman,Cutman,papercranes,papercranes,Forward,Forward,TrismegistusTrismegistus
8/29/2007 @ The Side BarWed • August 29, 2007August 29, 2007MOE Fest• MOE Fest 2007atThe Side BarThe Side BarHospitals on the moon,Hospitals on the moon,Liquid Limbs,Liquid Limbs,Building RocketsBuilding Rockets
8/29/2007 @ 1982Wed • August 29, 2007August 29, 2007MOE Fest• MOE Fest 2007at19821982Padded Cell,Padded Cell,Crash Pad,Crash Pad,public service announcementpublic service announcement
8/28/2005 @ Tim and Terry'sSun • August 28, 2005August 28, 2005MOE Fest• MOE Fest 2005atTim and Terry'sTim and Terry'sThe Sultanas,The Sultanas,Big Oil,Big Oil,Root Doctors,Root Doctors,Chicken LüvChicken Lüv
8/27/2005 @ Bo Diddley PlazaSat • August 27, 2005August 27, 2005MOE Fest• MOE Fest 2005atBo Diddley PlazaBo Diddley PlazaThe Know How,The Know How,One Pump Chump,One Pump Chump,The Leftovers,The Leftovers,The FantasmicsThe Fantasmics
8/27/2005 @ The ShamrockSat • August 27, 2005August 27, 2005MOE Fest• MOE Fest 2005atThe ShamrockThe ShamrockCrash Pad,Crash Pad,The Monistats,The Monistats,The Suicide BombsThe Suicide Bombs
8/27/2005 @ The Side BarSat • August 27, 2005August 27, 2005MOE Fest• MOE Fest 2005atThe Side BarThe Side BarThe Duppies,The Duppies,The Cohorts,The Cohorts,One and DoneOne and Done
8/27/2005 @ Tim and Terry'sSat • August 27, 2005August 27, 2005MOE Fest• MOE Fest 2005atTim and Terry'sTim and Terry'sCara del Gato,Cara del Gato,Ambient Hands,Ambient Hands,Snare and a ChairSnare and a Chair
8/27/2005 @ The Purple PorpoiseSat • August 27, 2005August 27, 2005MOE Fest• MOE Fest 2005atThe Purple PorpoiseThe Purple PorpoiseApollo Quartet,Apollo Quartet,Lesbian SeagullLesbian Seagull
8/26/2005 @ Eddie C'sFri • August 26, 2005August 26, 2005MOE Fest• MOE Fest 2005atEddie C'sEddie C'sDopamean,Dopamean,public service announcement,public service announcement,Hannover FisteHannover Fiste
8/26/2005 @ Hyde and Zeke RecordsFri • August 26, 2005August 26, 2005MOE Fest• MOE Fest 2005atHyde and Zeke RecordsHyde and Zeke Recordsthrough this window,through this window,No MoreNo More
Fri • August 26, 2005August 26, 2005MOE Fest• MOE Fest 2005atThe Purple PorpoiseThe Purple Porpoisethe untimely death of...,the untimely death of...,Soulfound,Soulfound,Hollow DaysHollow Days
Thu • August 25, 2005August 25, 2005MOE Fest• MOE Fest 2005atHouse ShowHouse ShowTiger Mouth,Tiger Mouth,The City on Film,The City on Film,Jeff Hanson,Jeff Hanson,Words Now Heard,Words Now Heard,SwayzeSwayze
8/25/2005 @ Eddie C'sThu • August 25, 2005August 25, 2005MOE Fest• MOE Fest 2005atEddie C'sEddie C'sOdd Man Out,Odd Man Out,Ten 13 Concept,Ten 13 Concept,FickFick
8/28/2004 @ Tim and Terry'sSat • August 28, 2004August 28, 2004MOE Fest• MOE Fest 2004atTim and Terry'sTim and Terry'sDynamite Charade,Dynamite Charade,The Sultanas,The Sultanas,Stroker Ace,Stroker Ace,The Jesi,The Jesi,Crazy Georg & Cowboy Hotrods,Crazy Georg & Cowboy Hotrods,Long Strange DayLong Strange Day
8/28/2004 @ Common GroundsSat • August 28, 2004August 28, 2004MOE Fest• MOE Fest 2004atCommon GroundsCommon GroundsTrue North,True North,Grabass Charlestons,Grabass Charlestons,Danger Boy and The Road VulturesDanger Boy and The Road Vultures
8/28/2004 @ The Side BarSat • August 28, 2004August 28, 2004MOE Fest• MOE Fest 2004atThe Side BarThe Side BarOne Drop,One Drop,Outereach,Outereach,Robotix,Robotix,Scum of the EarthScum of the Earth